Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Review: Urban Decay Primer Potion

Urban Decay Primer Potion is a really great item for your makeup application.  It is one of the best primers out there....or so I've heard :P  I use it on a daily basis and I LOVE it!  It is amazing because it makes the eyeshadows last a lot longer than they normally.  One day for school I went swimming and when I got out of the pool, my eyeshadow was still on the way I left it!  AMAZING!  I only have good things to say about the Urban Decay Primer Potion.  There are three shades; Edne, Sin and Original.  I have original because it goes well with any colour of eyeshadow.  UDPP has a very silky finish and the tiny bottle lasts FOREVER! Once you are done with it...or so you think, you can depot it because there are still months of product left that you don't want to throw out. UDPP has a new wand to help it last longer, it is curved so it can pick up more product. I think that Urban Decay Primer Potion is great for starters and even advanced makeup artists!


  1. I really want somebody to comment other than us two........"Can anybody find us?"

  2. hahahahah i LOVE commenting it's so much fun :)lol

  3. hey!! we should leave messages for eachother on here until someone finds us!!! I like that idea What do you think????
